

Island of Vay

The Island of Vay is home to the Vay people, commonly known as the Riders of Vay. It’s located high above the clouds, directly over Voek Island.


The Island of Vay was once an unpopulated island in the Solea Archipelago. During the Voek era — or the time period when the Voek settled among the local tribes — the Voek used their abilities and technology to raise the island from the ocean to use as a home.

While the Voek came to the archipelago to learn from the tribes, there were many who wished to better understand the Voek and their experiences. These people became emissaries of the Voek — helping them transition into life with the other tribes, teaching them about the different cultures, and facilitating relations. Over time, they called themselves the Vay, literally meaning of the Voek way.

The Vay wished to help develop the island the Voek raised from the ocean. To accomplish this, the Voek gifted them griffons, creatures from beyond the archipelago that navigated the skies. With these griffons as companions, the Riders of Vay could travel between the islands freely. Additionally, with the Voek’s help, the Vay also built two cloud condensers, which could produce and filter water from moisture in the air — creating a recyclable and clean water supply.

Eventually, the Island of Vay became not only a close-knit, self-sustaining community but also a living museum to the Voek tribe. After the Voek left the archipelago, the Vay continued to live together on the island, preserving the Voek’s legacy.

Flora and Fauna

Vay contains limited life simply because it is an isolated, enclosed ecosystem. Most of the flora and fauna that reside there were native to the island before it was lifted into the sky. Common creatures include griffons, which nest in the trees, as well as reptavians.

Story Ideas

  • Imagine a day in the life not of a Rider, but of the normal folk living on Vay.
  • Write the story of a Rider who every day maintains and operates the cloud condensers. What repairs do they make on a regular basis? What challenges and skills does their job entail?