

Elda Island

Elda Island is situated in the northeastern region of the Solea Archipelago. It’s home to the Eldonian tribe, or Healers. High mountain cliffs encircle the lush valley where they reside.


The island’s central valley, which contains extremely fertile soil, is the remains of what was once a great volcano. The crater now lies protected on all sides by the snowy Azalei Mountains.

The Eldonians made their home in the valley millennia ago and named their city Verdalia. A community-minded people, they prefer to live closely together and share resources. They are always happy to lend a hand to others.

At the center of the city lies Lake Vera, a vital energy source that’s believed to be bottomless, and the eponymous Vera Temple. The island itself is rich in an abundance of crystals, which Healers value not for their material wealth but rather their magical properties and link to the sprites.

Healers maintain the largest library across the entirety of the Solea archipelago. While the island does feature some beaches, they are rarely inhabited by people.

Flora and Fauna

Elda Island hosts a wealth of flora and fauna, including creatures such as raptals and sprites, as well as etheria and many herbs and flowers. The soil is rich in minerals and grows many different types of crystals, which Healers have studied extensively.

Healers believe that harmony within their ecosystem is extremely important to the health and well-being of their island. If one part falls out of balance, others suffer as well.

Story Ideas

  • Imagine you’re a Healer writing the history of Elda Island. What part of the island is most fascinating to you? Why?
  • Capture the daily life of a Healer living in Verdalia. How do neighbors help one another? What kind of activities happen every day?