

Roka Forest

Roka Forest stretches across the middle of Karaz Island, home of the Mages. It divides the western part of the island from the city of Kath, located in the east.

Largely uninhabited by humans, the dense woods provide a home for many magical creatures, including sprites — and are a perfect hideout for Mage bandits. Mysterious things are rumored to happen at night under a full moon.


The terrain of Roka Forest is mostly flat, with some sloping hills and occasional mountain ridges. The northern region is banked by water, with a large lake residing close to the shore. This lake feeds the Yauka Tree, the oldest tree on Karaz Island.

Flora and Fauna

The trees of Roka Forest are thought to have gained their vibrant purple color in reaction to lava and volcanic soil from Mount Zaeka. That the forest has survived amidst this is a testament to the amazing adaptability and resilience of the flora and fauna on Karaz Island.

Places of Interest

Many Voek ruins are hidden within Roka Forest — though most are locked or otherwise inaccessible.

Roka Forest also shelters the Yauka Tree, a huge magenta tree said to possess strange and magical powers. The legendary Mage Ky is said to have spent time at the Yauka Tree on her journey to master the four primary elements. It’s rumored that she even lived in Roka Forest for a time.

Story Ideas

  • Bandits have been stealing from various buildings in Kath. Find out what they’re up to!
  • A Mage visits the Yauka Tree, determined to learn its secrets. What do they discover?