
Flora & Fauna


Teegwin is a reptavian living on Vay. The creatures are thought to have existed there for millennia, before the Voek used their technology and abilities to raise the island into the sky.

Teegwin was released in-game with Episode 7 of Story Mode.


Reptavians are bipedal creatures with feathers jutting from their head and front legs. These are considered to be vestigial wings, though it’s unknown if reptavians could ever successfully fly or why they developed this particular feature. Some Vay believe their feathers and body coloring act as camouflage, allowing reptavians to blend with the grassy plains of the island. Their feathers curiously resemble the plumage of bird species that roost in the trees, giving credence to the theory that this “disguise” helps reptavians sneak close to unprotected eggs in bird nests.

Contrary to common belief, reptavians are not particularly good swimmers — or a least not anymore, given the sparse water sources on Vay. They are, however, excellent climbers. Being bipedal allows them to run quickly and scale cliffs and trees with ease. Their claws help them to maintain a steady grip and can tear apart even the toughest materials.

Reptavians can see in the dark and can be fully active either during the day or at night. This unpredictable behavior is thought to purposefully confuse their prey.


Surprisingly, reptavians are omnivores. They’ll eat whatever they can scavenge, from eggs and small creatures to berries and nuts. This eclectic diet is testament to reptavians’ amazing adaptiveness and survival instincts.

Many reptavians burrow underground or collect random debris to form nests for their families.

Story Ideas

  • A Griffon Rider and her griffon stumble across a nest of reptavians in the wild. How can they escape the situation without causing harm to the creatures — or getting hurt themselves?
  • A community of reptavians is growing over-aggressive and infiltrating the villages on Vay. What’s causing this erratic behavior, and what are the reptavians after?