
Flora & Fauna

Fanged Snowlynx

The fanged snowlynx is a wild beast that dwells in the deepest, coldest regions of the Azalei Mountains. It was released in-game with the 2019 Winter Fun Pack.

They carry out their solitary lives mostly in caves, but they’ve been known to prowl the foothills — especially during blizzards, when snow cover is the strongest.


Despite its considerable size, the fanged snowlynx is well-camouflaged in its environment. Their white and blue fur allow them to go unnoticed among the snow and ice of the Azalei. Although they usually move on all four legs, they’ve been known to stand and even walk on their hind legs — to scare off intruders, overcome obstacles, or get to things just out of reach. It’s thought that they’ve learned this technique from humans, a testament to their intelligence.

The fanged snowlynx’s excessively large front paws make them adept climbers and dangerous foes. They sharpen their claws on massive icicles that hang from the ceilings of caves and often use their paws to clear snowdrifts blocking cave entrances.

Some Healers have witnessed competitiveness between fanged snowlynxes. In these contests, they roll gigantic snowballs to show off their strength — sometimes setting off avalanches in the process.


Fanged snowlynxes use their speed and strength, as well as their sharp claws and signature teeth, to hunt down other mammals.

Though they require a high number of calories to maintain their body weight and size, they can hibernate for long periods to conserve energy. This has added to their elusiveness.

Story Ideas

  • A Healer encounters a wounded fanged snowlynx in the wild. Do they help the creature — or run for safety?
  • A Healer manages to tame and befriend a fanged snowlynx. What would such a relationship be like?