
Flora & Fauna


Crysta is a gemback hippoturtle, a mammal that dwells in the crystal caves on Elda Island. She was released in-game with Episode 3 of Story Mode.

Gembacks spend most of their time around underground water sources, including hot springs. 


At full maturity, gembacks stand about two or three feet tall and can weigh up to a quarter-ton, depending on the density of their crystal shells.

The same crystals common to the caves where they live also grow organically from their backs. This spiky shell protects the gembacks and camouflages them with their environment when they’re sleeping. 


Gembacks eat the plentiful etheria bloom that grows on Elda Island. Their powerful jaws and teeth also allow them to snack on their favorite treat: crystals! 

Some Healers believe that the gembacks help maintain the natural ecosystem between etheria and crystals on the island — that their consumption of etheria bloom promotes more plant growth and encourages the formation of crystals in the soil. 

Eldonians even believe that this regular diet of magical energy in the etheria is what causes crystals to grow on the creatures’ shells!

Story Ideas

  • A Healer encounters a gemback calf stranded on a cliff. Help her to safety and reunite her with her mother!
  • Gembacks are leaving the cave homes. What’s causing them to flee?