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Motivate, support, and inspire your students with the power of play.

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Every teacher wants learning to be truly meaningful and engaging for all of their students. We believe the key to accomplishing this lies in motivation.

Classcraft is a powerful solution that makes teaching, behavior support, and classroom management more rewarding for everyone. By motivating students with an experience that meets them at a cultural level — while making your job easier in the process — Classcraft has a unique capacity to engage and inspire.

What can Classcraft do?

Here are a few things we can help you accomplish:

Intrinsically motivate students with familiar elements like character avatars and points systems

Implement and track SEL, PBIS, and MTSS initiatives with high-quality data

Teach the right behaviors and incentivize student collaboration

Save time on maintaining initiatives through a modernized, easy-to-use platform

Turn lesson plans and curriculum material into engaging adventures

Foster a more positive, fun, and equitable classroom culture

Smiling teacher and students working with computer tablets in a classroom

Can I try it for free?

Absolutely! The free version of Classcraft is a quick and easy way to see how it works and whether it feels right for you.

Let’s get started!

Built to support you in the classroom and beyond

Classcraft has always been designed with the needs of educators and students in mind.